NEPK Policies

Indoor Classes

About Your Class

We're glad you've signed up, but wait! There are some essential things you need to know!

  1. All administrative questions can only be asked through email ( or to front desk staff. Class-related questions can be asked to coaches.
  2. Please call/text us for immediate questions at class time like finding class locations or coach no-shows.
  3. Your membership automatically renews each month. You may terminate your classes at any time via email us. Contact us prior to the start of the month to avoid the following month's tuition.
  4. You will be charged whether you show up to class or not. Make-up classes are available.
  5. Please wear non-restrictive clothing (shorts/sweats, shirt, athletic shoes, hair tie, etc.).
  6. If you cannot attend a class and you are the only student enrolled, you must contact us 2 hours beforehand to be eligible for a make-up class.

How does membership work?

You hold a reserved spot in a specific class day & time. You attend the same class day and time each week. Membership is pro-rated upon sign-up, auto-renews each month, and auto-charges in the first week of the month. The price of membership each month is determined by the number of times your class day & time meets in each month. Some months have four weeks while some have five weeks. Others may have three weeks due to cancelations. Makeup classes are available if you miss a class.

If you want to unenroll/drop your membership you must let us know prior to the start of the month in order to avoid being charged. For example, if you want to drop for March classes, you must let us know before March 1st. We only have to have received an email/text/voicemail for you to be eligible to avoid charges for the month. Any notice given on or after the 1st of the month will be subject to the same month’s charges.

Where is NEPK Gym?

2828 S 82nd Avenue STE 8, Omaha, NE 68124

We are located on the northwest side of the Frontier Justice building.

What do we wear for classes?

Appropriate, non-restrictive clothing should be worn. Shorts and a t-shirt are most appropriate. No tights, sports bras, gum, jewelry, large hair barrettes, belt buckles, or jeans are allowed for the safety of the athletes. Long hair must be tied back. Rings should be taken off. Clothing may scrap against abrasive surfaces and other hard surfaces. Pockets must be empty!

What if I come in late for my class?

Coaches will wait 15 minutes past the start time of class. If no students show up, they can end the class. If a student shows up past 15 minutes from the start time of class, it is at the coach's discretion to hold the class.


How early should I arrive?

For classes that are the first class of the day, coaches may show up at the gym up to 5 minutes before class time. Please plan according to schedules, traffic, and the weather. You can call/text us at (402) 819-6849 to make sure you are in the correct location or if there is not a coach.

Can I leave my child and return to pick them up at the end?

Parents/guardians are required to stay in the area if there is not office staff, a secondary coach, or another parent staying for the class. If there is a secondary coach, we advise parents/guardians to stay in the area.

What if I cannot show up to pick up my child when the class ends?

We are responsible for students only during their regularly scheduled class times. Please note that you may be charged for the instructor's time if you do not pick your child up on time and an instructor is required to stay after hours to wait with them.

Absences, Make-ups, & Other Class Policies

I am going to miss a class. Can I make-up a class? How do makeup classes work?

Makeup classes are free, do not expire, and they stack. They can be used during different class days/times from your normal enrollment class day & time or for open gyms. Makeup classes cannot be used for the same class day & time as your normal enrollment. Make-up classes will be scheduled on an availability basis only, are not guaranteed, may or may not be rescheduled, and may be superseded by enrollments & trials following the time the make-up was scheduled. Makeups for open gyms do not need to be scheduled and only need to have the missed class date at open gym sign-in. Lengthy illnesses will be considered. Injuries that occur in class will pause your membership.

You must send an email to at least 2 hours in advance of your child's absence from class if they are the only student enrolled to be eligible for a make-up class. We only have to have received the text/voice message or email for you to be eligible.

Will I be charged if I don’t send an absence email and do not show up for class?

Students holding an active membership are charged whether they show up or not. Students must unenroll to avoid charges.

Can I use my make-up class for an open gym?

Students may make-up a class for an open gym. Families must have the date of the missed class and mark the missed class date at open gym sign-in to use their makeup.

Can I drop in to a class?

Members can drop into a class at their current class rate. Non-members can drop in, but will need to schedule it through our front office at (402) 819-6849.

My student account information in the sign-up portal is gone. What happened to it?

Due to the way our sign-up system charges, we may remove any students who have not been enrolled for longer than a school semester. Your family account will always be available. If your student account profile was removed, you must add it again. If you will not be taking classes in the upcoming semester, you must contact us to save it for later.

Payment Procedures

Do you offer any other payment plans?

We may work with families according to their situation. Please contact us so we can figure out a solution for you.

Do you offer multi-class/family discounts?

Multi-class/family discounts are automatically applied when you are billed. Please contact the front office for more information.

I was charged even though I unenrolled prior to my auto-bill date. Do I get a refund?

Class charges run at the beginning of the month for the same month's classes. If you unenrolled after the month has been charged, we cannot provide a refund. If you notified us you wanted to unenroll prior to the month but were still charged, please contact us. If you do not receive a refund within the next five business days of us stating you have been refunded, please email for a refund.

Can I put my membership on hold/pause?

Yes! We can pause your membership and give you a call when you are ready to sign back up. Please note, your class spot may not be available if you have an extended pause, but we will work with you to find a class time. For certain cases including injuries, non-vacations-related travel, illness, etc, we can pause memberships for a minimum of one month.

I didn’t see my payment or enrollment question.

Email us at or call/text us at (402) 819-6849 for other inquiries.

Injury/Safety Procedure

What’s the fire/tornado procedure?

Coaches and gym staff will escort students and parents to through appropriate pathways, exits, and safezones during fire/tornado emergencies.

What happens if my child becomes injured? When will I be notified if my child is injured?

Any activity that involves motion carries with it the risk of injury. Our policy regarding injuries will be determined by the severity of the injury. Should it be necessary for anyone to be transported to a medical facility, we will call Emergency Medical Services (EMS). The parent or guardian will be notified as soon as the situation is stable.

Inclement Weather/Class Cancelations

When are morning classes/activities canceled due to weather?

A determination regarding morning classes will be made by 8:30 AM that same day. If we hold classes, yet conditions still do not allow you to safely venture out, you will need to notify us of your child's absence in accordance with our regular make-up policy. Classes may still occur, but they may be made optional.

When are afternoon classes/activities canceled due to weather?

A determination will be made and announcements will be sent by 10:00 AM that same day via email. Classes may still occur, but they may be made optional. If we hold classes, yet conditions still do not allow you to safely venture out, you will need to notify us of your child's absence in accordance with our regular make-up policy.

When are evening classes/activities canceled due to weather?

A determination will be made and announcements will be sent out no later than 3:00 PM the day of cancelations through email and/or text. Cancelations will also be posted on the website and Facebook page. Classes may still occur, but they may be made optional.

What are optional classes?

Classes are made optional on an on-needs basis due to weather conditions. If a class is being held, but weather prevents some students from being able to attend, we may make it an optional class. Students are only charged if they attend an optional class. If students do not attend an optional class, then they will not be charged. You will not be charged if you do not attend an optional class.

What about non-weather-related class cancelations?

If classes will be canceled for any other reason, we will let students know at their class time. We will also send an email or call/text prior to the normal class time.

Are you open during the holidays?

Classes may be made optional depending on the holiday. Classes are typically closed on most federal holidays unless the coach and students want to attend class. In this case, class will be made optional. If your parkour class falls on a federal holiday, we will email you prior to your class. You can also view our end-of-year class calendar on the "Schedule" page of our website.

How do cancelations work with tuition?

An automatic credit will be applied to your account which will be applied towards the following month or other outstanding balances.


My child takes medication. Where can store this?

Parents/guardians can hold onto medication in the vicinity while students are in class. If your child takes medication, you must remain with the class to provide it. All students are prohibited from possessing any over-the-counter or prescribed medications without the express written permission from the child's doctor and/or parent. You may also ask office staff/coaches to hold onto it.

Outdoor Classes

About Your Class

We're glad you've signed up, but wait! There are some essential things you need to know! Outdoor classes are currently paused due to construction.

  1. All administrative questions can only be asked through email ( or to front desk staff. Class-related questions can be asked to coaches.
  2. Please call/text us for immediate questions at class time like finding class locations or coach no-shows.
  3. Your membership automatically renews each month. You may terminate your classes at any time via email us. Contact us prior to the start of the month to avoid the following month's tuition.
  4. You will be charged whether you show up to class or not. Make-up classes are available.
  5. Please wear non-restrictive clothing (shorts/sweats, shirt, athletic shoes, hair tie, etc.).
  6. If you cannot attend a class and you are the only student enrolled, you must contact us 2 hours beforehand to be eligible for a make-up class.

How does membership work?

You hold a reserved spot in a specific class day & time. You attend the same class day and time each week. Membership is pro-rated upon sign-up, auto-renews each month, and auto-charges in the first week of the month. The price of membership each month is determined by the number of times your class day & time meets in each month. Some months have four weeks while some have five weeks. Others may have three weeks due to cancelations. Makeup classes are available if you miss a class.

If you want to unenroll/drop your membership you must let us know prior to the start of the month in order to avoid being charged. For example, if you want to drop for March classes, you must let us know before March 1st. We only have to have received an email/text/voicemail for you to be eligible to avoid charges for the month. Any notice given on or after the 1st of the month will be subject to the same month’s charges.

Where are outdoor classes?

Outdoor classes take place at Pipal Park located at Pipal Park, 7770 Hascall Street, Omaha, NE 68124. Classes start near the tunnel in the circular playground.

Outdoor classes may occur at other locations and will be communicated on an on-needs basis.

What do we wear for classes?

Appropriate, non-restrictive clothing should be worn. Shorts and a t-shirt are most appropriate. No tights, sports bras, gum, jewelry, large hair barrettes, belt buckles, or jeans are allowed for the safety of the athletes. Long hair must be tied back. Rings should be taken off. Clothing may scrap against concrete and other hard surfaces. Pockets must be emptied!

What if I come in late for my class?

If you show up late to outdoor classes, coaches will remain the in area. If you are the only student and it is 15 minutes past the start of class, the coach has the option to leave. Contact us prior so we know to wait!

Are there restrooms or water fountains?

For outdoor classes, restrooms and water fountains may be unavailable.


How early should I arrive?

You should arrive five minutes prior to class. If this is your first class, you may want to arrive ten minutes before to make sure you can find the starting area. Coaches may show up exactly at the start of class time, so do not worry if you cannot find anyone prior to the start of class. You can call/text us at (402) 819-6849 to make sure you are in the correct location or if there is not a coach.

Can I leave my child and return to pick them up at the end?

Parents/guardians are required to stay in the area if there is not a secondary coach or another parent staying for the class. If there is a secondary coach, we advise parents/guardians to stay in the area.

What if I cannot show up to pick up my child when the class ends?

We are responsible for students only during their regularly scheduled class times. Please note that you may be charged $5 per 10 minutes for the instructor's time if you do not pick your child up on time and an instructor is required to stay after hours to wait with them. At least one parent/guardian is responsible for staying with the class if no other adults are in the building.

Absences, Make-ups, & Other Class Policies

I am going to miss a class. Can I use a make-up? How do makeup classes work?

Makeup classes are free, do not expire, and they stack. They can be used during different class days/times from your normal enrollment class day & time or for open gyms. Makeup classes cannot be used for the same class day & time as your normal enrollment. Make-up classes will be scheduled on an availability basis only, are not guaranteed, may or may not be rescheduled, and may be superseded by enrollments & trials following the time the make-up was scheduled. Makeups for open gyms do not need to be scheduled and only need to have the missed class date at open gym sign-in. Lengthy illnesses will be considered. Injuries that occur in class will pause your membership.

You must send an email to at least 2 hours in advance of your child's absence from class if they are the only student enrolled to be eligible for a make-up class. We only have to have received the text/voice message or email for you to be eligible.

Will I be charged if I don’t send an absence email and do not show up for class?

Students holding an active membership are charged whether they show up or not. Students must unenroll to avoid charges.

Can I use my make-up class for an open gym?

Students may make-up a class for an open gym. Please contact us if you would like to use a make-up for an open gym.

My student account information in the sign-up portal is gone. What happened to it?

Due to the way our sign-up system charges, we may remove any students who have not been enrolled for longer than a school semester. Your family account will always be available. If your student account profile was removed, you must add it again. If you will not be taking classes in the upcoming semester, you must contact us to save it for later.

Payment Procedures

Do you offer any other payment plans?

We may work with families according to their situation. Please contact us so we can figure out a solution for you.

Do you offer family/multi-class discounts?

Multi-class/family discounts are automatically applied when you are billed. Please contact the front office for more information.

I was charged even though I unenrolled prior to my auto-bill date. Do I get a refund?

Charges are run at the beginning of the month for the previous month's classes (due to any weather cancelations). E.g. June classes are charged in July. For any class you were enrolled in during the month's charge, you will be billed. You will be charged whether you attended or not as long as you were enrolled. If we stated we would provide a refund and you do not receive a refund within the next three business days, please email for the refund.

Can I put my membership on hold/pause?

We can pause memberships for a minimum of one month for members in certain cases including injuries, extended vacation/travel, or other specific instances. If the length of pausing a membership is considered too long, it may be evaluated that we will need to drop a student and sign them up again once they are ready. Please note, when you are pausing your membership, you may be taking space away from another family who is waiting to enter the class.

I didn’t see my payment or enrollment question?

Email us at or call/text us at (402) 819-6849 for other inquiries.

Injury/Safety Procedure

What is the lightning/tornado/heat procedure?

For all weather-related situations, classes may be relocated indoors and you will receive an email for advanced notice or call/text within three hours of the start of class time. Please check your email and phone for updates. Additionally, if there is a tornado warning earlier in the day, a cancelation announcement may be made via email or call/text. If lightning strikes during class or the hour prior to class, classes may be relocated indoors and we will contact you by text. For heat, classes may continue to take place through hot temperatures or relocate indoors. We will notify you via text.

What happens if my child becomes injured? When will I be notified if my child is injured?

Any activity that involves motion carries with it the risk of injury. Our policy regarding injuries will be determined by the severity of the injury. Should it be necessary for anyone to be transported to a medical facility, we will call Emergency Medical Services (EMS). The parent or guardian will be notified as soon as the situation is stable, but they should stay in the vicinity during class time. Parents/guardians are required to stay in the class area if no other coach or parent is staying for class.

Inclement Weather/Class Cancelations

When are morning classes/activities canceled due to weather?

A determination regarding morning classes will be made by 8:30 AM that same day. If we hold classes, yet conditions still do not allow you to safely venture out, you will need to notify us of your child's absence in accordance with our regular make-up policy. Classes may still occur, but they may be made optional or relocate indoors.

When are afternoon classes/activities canceled due to weather?

A determination will be made and announcements will be sent by 10:00 AM that same day via email. Classes may still occur, but they may be made optional. If we hold classes, yet conditions still do not allow you to safely venture out, you will need to notify us of your child's absence in accordance with our regular make-up policy.

When are evening classes/activities canceled due to weather?

A determination will be made and announcements will be sent out no later than 3:00 PM the day of cancelations through email and/or text. Cancelations will also be posted on the website and Facebook page. Classes may still occur, but they may be made optional.

What are optional classes?

Classes are made optional on an on-needs basis due to weather conditions. If a class is being held, but weather prevents some students from being able to attend, we may make it an optional class. Students are only charged if they attend an optional class. If students do not attend an optional class, then they will not be charged. You will not be charged if you do not attend an optional class.

What about non-weather-related class cancelations?

If classes will be canceled for any other reason, we will let students know at their class time. We will also send an email or call/text prior to the normal class time.

Are you open during the holidays?

Classes may be made optional depending on the holiday. Classes are typically closed on most federal holidays unless the coach and students want to attend class. In this case, class will be made optional. If your parkour class falls on a federal holiday, we will email you prior to your class. You can also view our end-of-year class calendar on the "Schedule" page of our website.

How do cancelations work with tuition?

An automatic credit will be applied to your account which will be applied towards the current month's tuition.


My child takes medication. Where can store this?

Parents/guardians can hold onto medication in the vicinity while students are in class. If your child takes medication, you must remain with the class to provide it. All students are prohibited from possessing any over-the-counter or prescribed medications without the express written permission from the child's doctor and/or parent. You may also ask office staff/coaches to hold onto it.

Camp Details & Policies

2025 Summer Camp


  • June 16th - July 25th, 2025 from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • No camp June 30 - July 4
  • 8:45 AM dropoff and 3:30 PM pick-up at the latest

Pricing Options

Due to the nature of the event, we are not able to provide refunds. Deposits are available, but the full cost of earlybird camp reservations must be paid before May.

  • Early Bird Camp Reservation Ends April 30th
    • $249 per week

  • After April 30th
    • $349 per week

Rules of Behavior

We hold every students’ safety as our top priority. Students are expected to follow the rules of the gym and the instructions of camp staff. Please communicate the expected behaviors with your child(ren) prior to completing registration. If students cannot maintain safe, respectful behavior including but not limited to others and the surrounding property, then parents may be called to pick up their child early. Repeated or serious misbehaviors by students may result in termination of their camp enrollment without a refund.

Termination Policy

Any severe or repeated behavior from a student will be discussed between staff prior to termination. We will work with your child and the situation to resolve the issue in a reasonable and respectful manner. However, severe or repeated behavior may lead to the student being removed from camp without a refund.


  • Families can drop students off as early as the building opens at 8:45 AM.
  • Families can pick up students as late as 3:15 PM when parkour classes begin. Since staff must remain with camp students until they are picked up (unless they are enrolled in a 4:30 PM class which they can remain with office staff in the seated area if they are in), families may be charged $5 for every 15 minutes after 3:15 PM.

Families must sign in and sign out when picking up their students. Families should also provide a list of people permitted to pick up their children.

Camp students can only leave the building with camp staff permission, or the permission of their parent/guardian.


Campers are expected to wear suitable clothes for physical activities. T-shirts/sweatshirts and shorts/sweatpants are acceptable. Crop tops or any clothing exposing the belly button is not allowed. Dresses & skirts won’t be allowed due to the activities that will occur. Athletic shoes with laces are strongly encouraged, but close-toed shoes are required. Please supply your child with their own hair ties.

Food/Drink, Lunch, & Provisions

Students must provide their own lunch/snacks. All food is only permitted at the tables. Snack time at 10:30 AM. Lunch time will occur between 12:00 PM.

Students can bring and store their backpacks including their lunch, electronics, water bottle, etc. One backpack per student is allowed.

Devices and Electronics

Students are permitted to use electronics during appropriate times in a safe and respectful manner. Students must put their electronics away if told by staff. Devices can be revoked if necessary and will be given to the parent/guardian at pick-up. Nebraska Parkour is not responsible for lost, stolen, or broken items.

Medication Policy

Any students who have medication must either provide it to camp staff/front office or store it in their backpack. Families who have students with any medication must notify camp staff. Camp staff may hold on to any medication for safe handling until it is needed unless deemed safe to be kept in the student’s backpack. All medication must be (1) stored in an airtight back/container, (2) labeled with the student’s name, (3) labeled with a description, (4) labeled the dosage amount, and (5) labeled with the time it should be provided. Only medication provided by the parent/guardian will be given to the student.